Thank you for the kind words!

To follow up on your questions, the most recent first issue that I think absolutely nailed the prompt was The Great British Bump Off. The series introduced more than a dozen characters, the story and design allowed for easy identification of them all, and got the concept underway in short order. Remarkably effective, and without the benefit of extra pages.

Far Sector did this amazingly well too. Just an outstanding first issue.

Of all time, I'm going with Runaways. Parts of it haven't aged quite well, but it also introduces 18 characters and the concept while getting the hook in, and was one of the first books that truly felt like MINE.

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Will have to check out Runaways on MU! Everyone raves about it. And I have all of the issues of Great British Bump Off waiting to be read. Thanks for the great answers!

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Thanks for another fun post. I'm a big fan of White Ash and didn't realize they were doing Kickstarters so thanks for that info.

As far as a favorite recent #1 - Void Rivals by Kirkman. Not usually a big fan of transformer type stuff but this looks like an interesting development.

Favorite #1 of all time is probably Sandman #1 by Gaiman but I'd love to see someone pick up Monstress - HBO, Netflix?

As for a new pick up this week, I just got a copy of The Sickness #1 - haven't read it yet so stay tuned.

Have a great week.

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Yeah, White Ash is one of the big Kickstarter comic success stories, in terms of finding and growing an audience on the platform. I believe Charlie will be Kickstarting the 8th issue in the fall (he has a campaign live now for a different series).

I enjoyed Void Rivals, will be interesting to see how the series progresses. But definitely looking forward to Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers series in October!

I wonder if Monstress would work better as an animated series; the production costs to capture the look of the book would be very high I would think. But it would be great to see!

The Sickness looks very ... horror. Speaking of Monstress and horror, have you read The Night Eaters?

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We’ll as you can see, I’m all over the place on my comic genres! I’d love to see Monstress as a live action but it would be pricey.

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I thought I would add my own first-issue thoughts.

Fave recent issue #1 - probably Immortal X-Men #1 by Kieron Gillen and Lucas Werneck.

Fave issue #1 of all time - toss-up between Monstress, Hickman's New Avengers, and Powers of X (House of X's best issue is the second and arguably the later Powers issue top the first).

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