Cool... I'm looking forward to reading The OZ #1 and I'm honored to be your first giveaway winner and interested to see how your Friday emails grow and evolve.

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Thank you!!!

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Ok. I’ll give this question if the week a go. I’d love to see Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself made into a movie. Then I started going down the rabbit hole for who I’d cast as Logan Ninefingers or Bayaz or Sand dan Glokta and my head was spinning. Whoever they casted, it’d be great.

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Thank you Dan for braving the Question of the Week waters! And your great answer (and your comment on last week's comic post) means you are the first ARC Worlds giveaway winner!

Please shoot me an email at jon [at] jonauerbach.com with your address and I'll send you The O.Z. #1 later this week!

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