I loved seeing your page one panel for your comic. Are you doing the art yourself or have someone picked out? It might be cool to see prototype art and/or hear from the artist and person doing the lettering (I can't remember the technical titles for these people in comics but maybe share more of the process of how you are putting yours together and trying to get it out into the world... like a 101 on comic writing, design and publication). I've always thoughts comics were a cool idea but my art skills pretty much begin and end with stick people.

As for what I'm reading this week, I just picked up a copy of Nouns #1 from Titan Comics, Dead Lucky #1 from Image and snagged comics #1-6 of Black (2016) from Black Mask from my local comic shop that I'm excited to read. Oh, and Void Rivals #2 and Antarctica #1 and Wytches (2014) #1. I know, I'm all over the place with the comics I read.

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My art skills are not up to the challenge, so I will be working with a professional. I have someone in mind and when that's official, I'll announce it here.

And great ideas on process stuff! I will definitely be sharing that once production gets going.

That's definitely an eclectic set of pick-ups, love it!

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