Blood of Atlantis comes to Kickstarter
Next month, the journey to the Lost City begins
It has been a busy few months since the Blood of Atlantis announcement in February, but today I’m excited to announce that the issue #1 Kickstarter pre-launch page is now live! And I’ve set a tentative launch date, which I hope to reveal next week along with the first of four covers you’ll be able to get during the campaign.
Over the past several weeks, I’ve been slowly dripping out more sneak peeks from the issue, without spoiling hopefully too much.
But there’s so much more to see inside the issue, which clocks in at an extra-long 34 pages. Seeing new art come in and working with Francine Delgado to bring this story to life has been an absolute treat and I can’t wait to share it with you.
If you remember one thing about Beatrice from Guild of Tokens and Guild of Magic, it’s that she always has a plan. And this time, her sights are set on the Lost City of Atlantis.
As to what that plan is? Well, you’ll just have to wait until the issue drops to find out.
In addition to Beatrice, you’ll meet Quester newbies Damon and Topo, along with seasoned vet Svetlana, as they search for something in Brooklyn that could be a key to finding the Lost City.
Blood of Atlantis is the adventure and puzzles from Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis mixed with Dungeons & Dragons, with a dash of myth a la Gargoyles’ Avalon World Tour.
It’s a pulp adventure for the modern day, but with magic!
Before you enjoy the rest of the art from issue 1 that’s been revealed so far, please take a moment to visit the Kickstarter pre-launch page and hit “Notify me on launch” so you’ll get the launch day announcement. The first 24-48 hours are the most important time during a Kickstarter campaign, and I hope I can count on your support then. Plus, there might just be an early backer bonus in it for you!
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